5 Tips to Help You Manage Anxiety While Wedding Planning During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic may have adversely and very unexpectedly, affected your wedding planning journey. If that is the case, let me begin by saying that I am sorry you are experiencing these challenges.
I know it feels unfair. Whether your wedding has been postponed or if it was always meant to take place later in 2020 or during 2021, take some time out to care for yourselves and adjust to the current situation.
Wedding planning induced worry or anxiety is not uncommon under normal circumstances so do not feel defeated if you are currently experiencing such feelings. After you have increased your self-care and you are a little more centered, I would encourage you to continue planning.
While there is no one size fits all answer to coping with worry* here are 5 tips to help you manage anxiety while wedding planning during COVID-19:
1. Meditate / Pray / Exercise – Activity or even a mindful lack of activity can help to balance and soothe a distressed mind. Carving out some time to mediate, pray or do some light exercise or stretches daily can help to give you a more positive outlook. All of these things can be done in your home while quarantining. Simply do what works best for you.
2. Bake or Cook – If you can’t cook or bake then now is a great time to learn. There are millions of recipes online and even if your fridge or pantry are not fully stocked, the internet is bound to have something you can make with what you have to hand. You may discover a new skill to add to your repertoire!
3. Write Your Wedding Vows – If you aren’t having a religious ceremony (or you are but they allow you to share custom vows) then why not get started on them now? Many couples leave this task until the last minute but getting started now is a great way to rebuild your anticipation of your big day. You’re free to tweak and change the vows you write now, nearer the time but at least you’ll have an outline to work from.
4. Keep a Journal – Not only is keeping a journal a great way to build better habits, it can also help to offload a heavy mind. Echoing the first point, keeping a journal helps to induce mindfulness and reduce stress. After your wedding takes place, you can look back at the record you kept of this time (or not).
5. Practice Your Dance Moves – Quarantining with your fiancé / fiancée? Why not practice your first dance or better still, have a full-on dance party for two! If you aren’t spending this time with your intended, you can dance alone or have a virtual party. Schedule in some time with friends, pour yourself a drink and let the music play!
I hope that these tips help to get you back on track with your wedding planning during this unprecedented time.
If you are in need of assistance while planning your wedding or special celebration, I can help. Contact me here.
*if your anxiety is acute, please contact your GP.